I did 9,125 push-ups …

... that’s 25 push-ups each day for the last 365 days.

Twenty years ago I could barely do five push-ups let along 25 push-ups. It’s one of those exercises that works many muscles in the body and so I committed to doing at least 5-10 push-ups/day before bedtime.

This nightly routine takes no more than 30-seconds to complete and seems pretty insignificant but then when you add the number up over-time, holy smokes, that’s a lot of push-ups!

Whether it's push-ups, reading, journaling for fives minutes, taking a short walk, a mediation ... whatever it is, small efforts each day can make a significant impact in your life overtime.

What’s a “small” daily habit that you can include in your daily routine that overtime will add up and make a big difference?


Choose Joy!


The power of the pause