Choose Joy!

What brings YOU joy?

This question came up in a few recent (deep) conversations.

Which got me thinking ...

So often we look to external “things” for joy - expecting that joy lies just around the corner - the new car, the next trip, the better job/promotion, the new house - only to find satisfaction/pleasure for a brief period of time before identifying the next thing.

This was me for many years until I learned that joy, in its truest sense, is not really about any of those things.

Joy is a choice.

Joy is about our perception of what is happening in and around us and how we choose to respond.

Joy is often about our ability to be fully immersed in the moment - without expectation.

So often we get caught thinking about the next thing on our “to do” list, the next place we want to go, our next accomplishment/milestone ... convinced that thing in the future will bring us joy.

But what if joy was in your current conversation, experience, learning?

What if there was opportunity to experience joy in the now while also having a vision for the future?

What if joy was as simple as choice? How would that change things for you?

“Joy is a decision, a really brave one, about how you are going to respond to life.”
~ Wess Stafford


What vs. Why


I did 9,125 push-ups …