The power of the pause

I have been intrigued by this concept and the more I think about it the more I realize it can be applied to so many situations in life.

Life seems to keep moving faster and faster,  many continue to push themselves to accomplish more in less time, our attention is often divided between a multitude of distractions so much so that often we forget to take pause, to check-in with ourselves and give ourselves space for grace.

What could be the benefit of  hitting pause?

✅ The opportunity to respond vs. react - particularly during high pressure situations or big decisions pause to consciously choose your response. Rarely do we make the best decisions when under pressure/stress.

Fill up your tank that feels empty/depleted - take time to pause and do something for yourself - go for a walk, breathe, relax, read a book, listen to music, disconnect

Listen, really listen, to what is being said (and more importantly what is not being said) - pause after you ask someone how they are doing, wait for the answer

Be fully present - pause to really take in the moment, to notice all that is going on within you and around you - become aware of all your senses to fully experience the moment

Tap into creativity and inspiration - pause to give yourself space to be creative, to be inspired. Often the best ideas come about during a pause, when you let your mind and ideas flow. This might be why the best ideas frequently come to mind while taking a shower or going for a walk in nature

Intuition - pause to notice what your gut is telling you

... the list could go on.

The power of the pause allows us the space to get to know ourselves better, to take care of ourselves and to respond by choice rather than out of habit.

How do you use or could you use the power of the pause?


I did 9,125 push-ups …


The “aha moment”