The “aha moment”

The “aha moment”. The insight. The feeling that something hit you out of nowhere ... 💡

When you realize something that seems so obvious now but perhaps for years you didn’t notice. As “they” say, hindsight is always 20/20.

I’ve been doing what?
This has been affecting me how?
... and I didn’t even notice.

The “aha moment” or more simply put, awareness, can be powerful, it can sometimes be life changing powerful.

We often have these moments on our own, maybe in the shower, maybe on a walk, maybe in the middle of the night or maybe, as was the case with me, through many coaching conversations.

Frequently, we find ourselves in default mode, doing the same things we’ve always done, accepting things without realizing it.

Awareness is the foundation for change. With awareness comes freedom.

Freedom to choose, if you’d like, to create something other than what you are currently experiencing. Awareness allows us to make a different choice and create a different outcome.

Most often we see what we expect to see and what we are looking for, without even realizing it.

But, what are we not seeing?

With deep, powerful and reflective questions we can often gain greater awareness. Questions like:
✔️What do I value?
✔️What matters most in my life?
✔️What am I scared of?
✔️What's holding me back?

☀️Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh☀️


The power of the pause


Doing the hard thing