Doing the hard thing

Think of a time ...

When you were afraid to do the hard thing.
When you told yourself a million different stories about what COULD go wrong.
When your inner voice was screaming “what are you thinking”, “you’re not good enough”, “who do you think you are?”
When your heart was racing, your palms were sweaty, you felt sick to your stomach but you did it anyway:

✔️ You wrote the article

✔️ You ran the race

✔️ You made the phone call

✔️ You had the difficult conversation

✔️ You took a risk

The truth is, you’ve done the “hard thing” in the past but for some reason this time you’re blocked.

What IS the truth in the story you’re telling yourself in this moment?

Remember to separate the facts from fiction.

Look at what is ACTUALLY happening right now, not your thoughts and emotions behind it, not would COULD happen.

What do you know right now?

What IS TRUE is that there has to be a moment in your past when you didn’t feel ready but you  took action, you did the hard thing and something great resulted. Let this be your anchoring thought, the true story, whenever you feel doubt rising to the surface.

Trust yourself, you’ve got this.


The “aha moment”


When fear greets you