Nothing says stress release like a kitchen dance party

Recently, I had what felt like “one of those days”. A few things  didn’t go as planned, a bit of Zoom fatigue, my kids weren’t getting along and several unchecked items on my to do list at the end of the day.

After supper, my husband was doing the dishes and had some music playing in the background and a song caught my attention. One of those songs that has a catchy beat and you just can’t fight the urge to move your feet - even on a day where my tank felt close to empty.

I started to dance and then my kids joined me. We were laughing, and moving around the kitchen like we were performing in front of a live audience.  It was awesome! Just like that, my mood shifted, I had more energy and I was in the moment. I didn’t care how silly I looked, I was fully focussed on what was happening right then and there. Pure, innocent joy.

At the end of the song I paused to take in the looks on my kids faces - smiling from ear to ear and also noticed the change in my mood and my perspective on the day. THIS is what it’s all about, I thought. It really doesn’t get any better.

Music + Movement + Laughter + Connection resulted in a complete energy shift ... in just over three minutes.

What do you do to shift your negative energy when you’re having one of those days?

I highly recommend the kitchen dance party!! It won’t disappoint.


When fear greets you